I rarely post anything political on facebook. In fact, I have a policy not to: the one and only time I did I received anonymous hate mail telling me I was going to hell for my political decisions (this all based on an assumption they had made based on my status)
I figured people didn't need to know where I stand on things: facebook is a social network, not a soapbox. If my friends wanted to believe different things than me that is fine.
However, there is one political issue I feel strongly about, enough so to break my silence and take a stand for what I think is right.
And so I made this picture based on the symbol for marriage equality and an idea my sister gave me.
And now it is my profile picture.
Because I firmly believe no one should be denied rights because of their sexual orientation.
Ever. And certain people need to remember the message to love one another.
Feel free to make it your profile picture too if you support marriage equality!
or if you want the human rights campaign logo in its original colors