This is another belated post, but while I am working on my calendar, I thought I would get you ready for more flowers. Also, since this project was a gift and I know the person now has it, I feel comfortable blogging about it.
The wedding thing seems to be taking off for me. This summer, I did a project for a friend that also had to do with weddings (on top of all the wedding invitations I made!). She loved the paintings I did for my 2013 calendar, and
asked if I could do a painting for her to give as a wedding present to a
friend. Of course I said yes. At first I was just going to do a flower
painting for her, but then came up with what I thought was a brilliant
idea: I would draw the date of her wedding, with the flowers forming the
dates, like a trellis of sorts. My friend loved this idea so I went
ahead and sent her some sketches.The bride's favorite flowers are johnny jump ups (or at least this is what I was told) and her bridesmaid dresses were a lovely lilac color, so this formed the basis for the painting.
This was a much
bigger painting then I had done for awhile, so I miscalculated the time
it would take me but I was very happy with the result.
The colors! |
starting to paint the flowers |
it was a slow process |
halfway there! |
flowers are done! |
stems done |
numbers and letters done, now just the leaves |
now to outline everything |
finished! time to take the tape off |
the finished painting (the colors are a little bit more accurate in the other pictures.) |
The leaves make up their wedding date and their monogram.
Although a pain in the neck at times (and I do mean that literally, I must hold my head in the same position for a long time when I paint), this was a good project, and
another that I hope to put on my etsy store for people to see and order
their own versions. (I am currently working on a similar project which I hope to post in the next couple of weeks) I thought this was such a nice way to remember such a beautiful and important day!
And now, back to feverishly painting my calendar!
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